Accelerate Transfer Pricing analysis with Hexanomy

A comprehensive database which encompasses financial data of 100,000 + companies and 20,000 + royalty and loan agreements.

One platform, endless potential

We provide our clients with the best in the industry insights to the data analysis done from a thorough research and hardwork.

Analyze companies across 150+ Industries

In-depth analysis of loan and royalty agreements across multiple industries and markets

Saving time and cost in finding comparable companies

All under a single roof

Each company and agreement is manually analysed by our expert team of professionals. Analysis undertaken by us is widely accepted by Industry and Tax Authorities Globally. Our regularly updated data ensures that our clients gets real-time information and analysis.

Customized Reports

Our macro and micro parameters across companies, industries and markets, allows user to create wide variety of customized reports both at company and industry levels. Our solutions are used across the knowledge spectrum which includes researchers, consultants, law firms and authorities.

Your journey to data analytics starts today

Sign up now to access the most powerful full-stack data analytics platform in the world. We’ll reply before the day is done. Then it’s a free month of information for your company

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